← Older: Atlantic City Bar with Custom Totem Pillars
I need to take better pictures but I helped make what was a simple garage into colorful and exciting home bar/ entertainment room in this …
Newer: Take a Break and Sketch →
Decided to take a break, release and sketch tonight. I think it’s @brainarang @flyclops inspired.
Indy Hall Office Wall Concept
I received some rave reviews on my new series that I did (and continue to do) for my show at Cafe Estelle. One in particular is an ink drawing I did of a lion called, Emperor. I have been doing a lot of office and restaurant murals lately so I wondered what this would look like as a one. Considering Indy Hall is a continuing project of mine I decided to use one of the main walls as a testing point. Below you can see the progress and options I went through to see how it looks.
What do you think? Would you like to see another option?
Do you have a wall that needs an artistic touch? Let’s talk!