Using Indy Hall as My Interior Experiment

I have used Indy Hall multiple times as a way to test certain styles, treatments and overall design. I didn’t want to do the same pillar twice or in the same style. I wanted to hear the reaction of each one. I like to hear who likes which one and why. This helps my continued research in the reactions of color and shape in different environments. My conclusion so far is, nobody likes the same thing for the same reasons.

Now I am starting to curate and paint more murals for interior spaces such as the office, home and retail/hospitality spaces, I very much enjoy one of the beginning stages. The mockup. Let’s see what it could look like before it’s done. I showed this before with the Wildbit Offices and the Indy Hall Lion but what I haven’t shown is taking Indy Hall and recreating the whole space to see what it would look like in different colors and paint treatments. Here what the space might look like with just white walls or colored accents. The top row being what it “kind of” is now.

The walls of Indy Hall and most work spaces don’t necessarily need to be colorful, they also need to be functional. One of the very important tools in work spaces are chalkboards and white boards to be able to brainstorm ideas. These ideas are extremely powerful and creative I thought about why not try something new. Instead of a box like most chalkboards and whiteboards why not frame these ideas as works of art. Here is a VERY rough idea of what a painted chalkboard frame might look like. I also decided to try a striped wall to compliment the style of the frame.