A time lapse of me window painting and installation for my show at Cafe Estelle. The video was shot and produced by Skout Media. Flyer […]
Watercolor & Inks

I see too many people love my work but can’t necessarily afford it. So, I decided to try a more affordable way for people to […]
Objects of Her Affection

A compilation of a photoshoot of Lauren Maggio modeling hand-dyed, hand-painted handbags created by Sean Martorana and Wil Concepcion. The photoshoot was shot in the […]
Window Writing at IndyHall

A clip of Sean Martorana writing on the windows inside IndyHall, a coworking space and community in Philadelphia. Music by: The Muggs Song: Motown Blues […]
Paintings III

If you are interested in an original painting please don’t hesitate to contact me here. Some of these paintings can be found as high quality, […]
Watercolor Atmospheres

Weatherwise is a mobile application for the iPhone and Android that displays the weather in a visually creative way. They asked me to come up […]
Watercolor Animals

Some of these designs are available as Movable Murals at my LTL Prints store here: THE_STUDiO Movable Mural Store Using the same paper these products […]
Paintings II

If you are interested in an original painting please don’t hesitate to contact me here. Some of these paintings can be found as high quality, […]
Inks on Paper