Ink and Watercolor Drawings of Baseball Players, Real and Less-So
by: Mike Jackson
April 5th – 26th at Indy Hall
Opening Reception – Friday, April 5th 5:00 – 9:00pm
Produced by: Sean Martorana & Indy Hall Arts
Download the full PDF Press Release here.

Mike Jackson’s love of baseball runs deep, and he has built an entire show around it. At 5:00 on Friday, April 5 – the same day as the Phillies’ home opener – Indy Hall will be opening its doors to showcase Mike Jackson’s visual appreciation for the American past time. The show will feature ink and watercolor drawings based on Mike’s own memories, and memories shared by others. It’s a celebration of the idiosyncrasies and quirks of baseball, and the life we make for ourselves around it. You’ll find drawings of some of your favorite teams and players – from Yogi Berra, Satchel Paige, and Andrew McCutchen, to your favorite Phillies, to the fans we encounter while watching the game. These drawings string the narrative that makes baseball remarkable on an individual level.
“With Fast, for a Catcher, I want to show that even though we’re all watching the same game, each of us takes something deeply personal from it. The title of the show itself is one of my favorite back-handed compliments of all time, and I use it to describe my own drawings while I’m working on them. Great things (and not so great) have happened to me while watching or listening to a baseball game. I love baseball because of the life that I’ve shaped around it.”
– Mike Jackson
Opening Reception:
April 5, 2013 • 5:00 – 9:00
Indy Hall
22 N. 3rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
Indy Hall Arts:
Mike Jackson:
About Mike Jackson:
“When you think about it (not that I do, but I have), drawing is a really strange thing. There are no hard lines in real life–objects are a result of light on shapes and textures. And people are just collections of atoms (and guts). Everything else is us categorizing things into things. I tend to draw what’s around me. It’s my way of processing things for memory and cataloging experiences. I enjoy drawing real people. Everyone has a story, and I love trying to capture in line the adjective by which we define individuals. If I think so-and-so is a funny person, how can I arrange ink on a sheet of paper into a depiction of that person so that someone else knows what I’m thinking? That concept is so cool to me.
If I feel strongly enough about something, that will be evident in the work. With any luck, the viewer, bringing a whole lifetime of experiences with her up until the exact point she sees my drawing, will take something completely unique to herself from it. Now she’s invested in that drawing. It’s partly hers. I get so geeked over that. And I get to do it again and again. How is it that everyone doesn’t draw?”
Fast, For A Catcher. Solo Art Show by: Mike Jackson
Ink and Watercolor Drawings of Baseball Players, Real and Less-So
by: Mike Jackson
April 5th – 26th at Indy Hall
Opening Reception – Friday, April 5th 5:00 – 9:00pm
Produced by: Sean Martorana & Indy Hall Arts
Download the full PDF Press Release here.

Mike Jackson’s love of baseball runs deep, and he has built an entire show around it. At 5:00 on Friday, April 5 – the same day as the Phillies’ home opener – Indy Hall will be opening its doors to showcase Mike Jackson’s visual appreciation for the American past time. The show will feature ink and watercolor drawings based on Mike’s own memories, and memories shared by others. It’s a celebration of the idiosyncrasies and quirks of baseball, and the life we make for ourselves around it. You’ll find drawings of some of your favorite teams and players – from Yogi Berra, Satchel Paige, and Andrew McCutchen, to your favorite Phillies, to the fans we encounter while watching the game. These drawings string the narrative that makes baseball remarkable on an individual level.
Opening Reception:
April 5, 2013 • 5:00 – 9:00
Indy Hall
22 N. 3rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19106
Indy Hall Arts:
Mike Jackson:
About Mike Jackson: