Category Archives: Design

Two Pyramid Ring

A little sneak peak into a series of rings that I have been designing.

Light Writing

My buddy just sent me this picture from a while ago of me playing with some “Light Writing” for a project he was working on.

Objects of Her Affection

A compilation of a photoshoot of Lauren Maggio modeling hand-dyed, hand-painted handbags created by Sean Martorana and Wil Concepcion. The photoshoot was shot in the rain around Center City, Philadelphia, Pa. Hair and makeup done by Alyson Martorana and hand-painted t-shirt by Sean Martorana. The […]

The Blog Has Begun

Window Writing at IndyHall

A clip of Sean Martorana writing on the windows inside IndyHall, a coworking space and community in Philadelphia. Music by: The Muggs Song: Motown Blues Album: On With the Show @seanmartorana​inthestudio

Watercolor Atmospheres

Weatherwise is a mobile application for the iPhone and Android that displays the weather in a visually creative way. They asked me to come up with my own theme for their application. Thinking about the way it animates, I designed elements of weather and nature […]

STUDiO_Apparel FiLM

A glimpse into the art and designs of Sean Martorana that have been applied to this fashion and apparel line. Only a select 100+ tshirts were chosen to be viewed in 39 seconds. View available designs here.

What’s Your Favorite Animal?

Some of these designs are available as Movable Murals at my LTL Prints store here: THE_STUDiO Movable Mural Store Social Media study “What’s Your Favorite Animal”. These are animal studies that were suggested by a bunch of people on facebook after asking “What’s your favorite […]

Watercolor Animals

Some of these designs are available as Movable Murals at my LTL Prints store here: THE_STUDiO Movable Mural Store Using the same paper these products are printed on at LTLprints, I painted various animals using watercolor paints and ink. I then scanned them in to […]